Breast of Duck with Raspberries


  • 4 duck breast portions
  • 240g raspberries
  • 2 tbsp. red wine vinegar
  • ½ cup wine
  • ½ cup duck stock
  • Pinch salt
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper


  1. Using the tip of a small sharp knife score the skin neatly and evenly about 6 times to allow excess fat to escape.
  2. Heat a suitable pan.
  3. Lightly season duck portions with a little salt and ground pepper.
  4. When the pan is hot, place the breasts skin side down and cook for a couple of minutes until skin begins to turn brown, then turn over.
  5. Place into a hot oven 220°C to 230°C for approximately 8 to 9 minutes.
  6. When cooked remove from pan and keep warm. This will allow the duck to rest and juices to settle.
  7. Lightly dab the duck breast with a kitchen towel to remove any excess fat.
  8. If you want the skin crisper. Place under a hot salamander and dab again with a kitchen towel.
  9. Pour off the fat from the pan (keep this for roasting your potatoes).
  10. Deglaze the pan with red wine vinegar and wine and reduce.
  11. Reserve a few raspberries for garnish and add the rest to the pan with the sugar and stock. Bring to the boil and reduce down.
  12. When you are happy with the consistency and taste, strain through a sieve and spoon a portion onto the serving plate.
  13. Place the whole or sliced breast on top of the sauce and serve with roasted potatoes.

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